#46. “真的假的? 隔離28天嗎? “ "Zhēn de jiǎ de? Gélí 28 tiān ma? ” What? Quarantine for 28 days? (Level A2-B1)
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Have you been quarantined in a hotel?
What was your longest quarantine?
How do you structure your day during the quarantine?
What do you do when you get bored in the quarantine hotel?
Check out this episode and find more about how to get through quarantine
生詞shēngcí (Vocabulary)
1. 隔離gé lí
2. 繼續jì xù
3. 高鐵gāo tiě : High Speed Railway
4. 疫情yì qíng
5. 被感染bèi gǎn rǎn
6. 嚴格yán gé
7. 受不了shòu bù liǎo
8. 暖氣nuǎnqì
9. 無聊wúliáo
10. 透過tòu guò
11. 想像中xiǎngxiàngzhōng
12. 三餐sāncān
13. 提供tígōng
14. 線上課程xiàn shàng kè chéng
15. 甚至shèn zhì
16. 規定guī dìng
17. 固定gù dìng
18. 困難kùn nán
19. 動力dòng lì
20. 持續chí xù
21. 分開fēn kāi
22. 互相hù xiāng
23. 視訊shì xùn
24. 在zài …方 面 fāngmiàn: perspective
25. 包裝bāo zhuāng
26. 剝好皮bō hǎo pí: peeled the skin
27. 切開qiē kāi : cut open
28. 小確幸xiǎo què xìng :little but real happiness
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